Where real-Life, outdoor adventure, community service, and Crucial Conversations, combine to equip the next generation for serving leadership in the way of Jesus.
Our Cohort Values are Faith - Resilience - Integrity - Empathy, aka F.I.R.E.
The real-Life practices through which we cultivate those values are: outdoor adventure, community service, wisdom conversations, and capstone projects
Once a month we will take the cohort out for an 8hr excursion that includes Discovery Bible Study, outdoor recreation, and group reflection. Recreation includes, hiking, biking, rock climbing, caving, canoeing etc.
All told SLAQers will experience over 50 miles of outdoor adventure during the course of a year
SLAQers will set aside a few hrs a month during the Fall (Sept-Oct-Nov) to serve at a local non profit. During Spring Break the cohort will together envision, plan, and execute our Newcomer Adventure Day Camp aimed at middle school aged recent immigrants and refugees to our community.
Previous non-profits served include: Our Community Place, Harriet Tubman Cultural Center, Vine & Fig, Project Grows, & Corhaven Graveyard.
All told SLAQers will complete over 40hrs of community service during the course of a year
During both the Fall and the Spring semester SLAQ will host parents, pastors, youth, and their mentors for a Crucial Conversation on a “Faith & Culture” topic affecting the next generation. Over our 4 year cycle, topics will include faith &: Science, sexuality, mission, vocation, violence, wisdom, bible, & justice
All told SLAQers will complete over 30 wisdom conversations over the course of a year.
In addition to the cohort’s three core Real-Life practices, once a year SLAQers will have the chance to participate in the Summer Faith Adventure, biking anywhere between 100-335 miles over the course of 5-10 days.
We are committed to a funding model that begins with trust in God, values partnership with the local church, and invites families to be directly invested in the discipleship of their youth. The discipleship Cohort costs around $1,800 per participant. However because of the generous support of Coracle, and our SLAQ Mission Partners we are able to offer our participants access to the cohort for an average of $900 per year.
SLAQ Cohort Parent
SLAQ Cohort Parent