New Website is Live!

This webpage will stay live through 2025 as an archive of the early days.

Why Intergenerational Conversation?

It is predicted that by 2025 the amount of information at the fingertips of humanity will be doubling every 12 hrs. Yet despite the seemingly infinite waterfall of information, literally at our fingertips, most of us find wisdom elusively beyond our grasp. Within our information age engagement with content is measured primarily through clicks, likes, & views, all of which can be consumed entirely alone. But if sociologists are right that humans are fundamentally social animals then content consumed alone is not only powerless to combat the fragmentation of our communities, it is making it worse. At SLAQ we believe that one biblical catalyst for transforming information into wisdom, and content into community, is intergenerational conversation.

“We have the concepts of the ancient morality of virtue and goodness, but we no longer have a system with which to connect them”

- Alasdair MacIntyre

Since 2020 Crucial Conversations has facilitated over 900 intergenerational, wisdom seeking conversations between parents/pastors/teachers/mentors and the youth they are discipling.

Fall 2025: Multi-Site CruCon Launch

We are so grateful to the Showalter Foundation, and an anonymous donor for awarding us a grant to enable us to scale CruCon so this practice can be reproduced in your context!

Fall of 2025 we will be launching our first ever multi-site CrucCon! We are looking for 5-10 conversation partners from around the country to train and bless to launch their own series using our resource.

For more details see this PDF Document: Faith & Gen Alpha, Biblical wisdom Amidst Digital Revolution

Spring 2025:Faith & Sexuality

Use this space to add more details about your site, a customer quote, or to talk about important news.

What are our bodies for?

What is love?

Biblically speaking is sex first and foremost good, bad, or dangerous?

These questions and more will animate this Springs 12 week Crucial Conversation on Faith & Sexuality.

Conversation Launch: Jan 28th, 7-8pm, Youth & Parents, 8-9pm Parents only

Community Conversations: Oct 1st, Oct 29th, Nov 26th (7:00 pm - 9:00 pm)

Optional Watch Parties: TBD

Location: VMMissions Barn

Conversation Pieces Table

Format of Crucial Conversations

Three months of Household & Community Conversations

Each Conversation Series is 12 weeks long and follows a rhythm of three weekly “Household Conversations” followed by a monthly “Community Conversations.” This adds up to a total of 9 household conversations and 3 community conversations over the course of three months.

12 week rhythm = 3x household conversations, 1x community conversation, repeated 3 times.

Household Conversations

Everyone who participates in Crucial Conversations does so as a part of an intergenerational Conversation Group who engage the Conversation Pieces of a given week, and converse about it together in what we call “Household Conversations”. These groups may be made of parents and their teens, pastor’s and their youth, teachers and their students, or mentors and their mentees (adult-youth ratios from 1-1 through to 1-3 will work). All that matters is that they meet each week that there is not a Community Conversation, throughout the three month series for a total of nine Household Conversations.

Community Conversation:

Each month for three months all of the Conversation Groups will gather together for a “Community Conversation” wherein participants will: 1) get to hear reflections or teachings from community leaders 2) engage in dynamic small group break out conversations, and 3) test their knowledge of the previous months content through a group trivia game!

Watch Parties

An optional (but fun) part of the series will include one movie a month that we encourage conversation groups to watch together. It is especially fun when multiple groups order pizza and throw a watch party all together.

To Learn about the “Why?” behind Crucial Conversations, as inspired by the story of young Jesus in the temple Check out this

CruCon Intro Video: How? (5 Min)

CruCon Intro Video: Why? (20 Min)

Checkout Our Past Conversations Series

Fall 2024 Conversation:

Faith & Mission

Does God still care about mission? Should the church? Is the very idea of cross cultural mission a form of colonialism? Do I have a mission? We are very excited that for twelve weeks this Fall we will get to explore these questions and more through intentional and intergenerational conversations!

Conversation Launch: Sept 6th 5:30 -7:30 (Parents & Youth)

Community Conversations: Oct 1st, Oct 29th, Nov 26th (7:00 pm - 9:00 pm)

Optional Watch Parties: Sept 27th, Oct 25th, Nov 22nd 6-9pm

Location: VMMissions Barn

Conversation Pieces Table

Spring 2024 Conversation: Faith & Nonviolence


“While it’s so important for my generation to hear from older generations, especially about less enjoyable topics like faith and science or faith and violence. I also think it’s just as important for older generations to hear from my generation, and to understand where we’re coming from” - CruCon Youth Participant

“This was fabulous - both for myself and for my son. I grew up in a community having never wrestled with these questions. I'm still very much undecided about the question of corporate nonviolence, but this has gone a long way to challenge me with personal nonviolence." -CruCon Parent

How do we overcome evil?

Check out this intro video to our Crucial Conversation series on faith & nonviolence. With the question "how do we, as Christians overcome evil?” We launched our 12 week conversational journey discovering the bible’s witness to the power of nonviolence in overcoming evil.

We can only do this important work through the support of our partners, so once again, thank you!

Donate to Crucial Conversations

Fall 2023 Conversation:

Faith & Vocation


“I didn't have the benefit of conversations like this one that put ‘what I do to make a living’ in perspective with ‘who I am called to be as a beloved child of God.’ I'm grateful for this chance to engage in that conversation with my daughter and her peers.”

-CruCon Father

“I appreciated learning about how our vocation fits into God's story and the perspective that our vocation is more about serving and blessing others than about ourselves. “

-CruCon Youth

Spring 2023 Conversation: Faith & Science

“I love the fact that over the course of the three month series I know that, because of crucial conversations, we are gonna have a chance to engage biblical and challenging content and have a worthwhile conversation about it together.” - CruCon Parent

“Having help talking about issues, with a lot of good content and information that I otherwise likely never would have found. There is now a group of kids that I am not at all worried about my kids hanging out with and I know they're having fun.” - CruCon Parent

Fall 2022 Conversation

Faith & Wisdom

“CruCon provides parents with excellent resources to engage challenging topics with youth that spurs meaningful conversation so that we grow up in Christ - thank you!” - CruCon Parent

“Tackling difficult questions and situations as a group is helping and humbling. “ CruCon Youth

Spring 2021 Conversation

Faith & Media

“If it takes a village to raise the next generation, SLAQ is doing the hard work of equipping the villagers.” - CruCon Parent

Ten Tech Commandments

These “rules for Life” carry the voice of both the youth and adult participants in discerning a healthy “digital diet”

Choose Life stickers

After listing key phrases from all three community conversations we invited everyone to vote on which terms “brought life,” and which ones, “brought death.” From that vote we created these word cloud stickers.

SLAQ is a ministry of VMMissions that  offers youth from diverse backgrounds a chance to discover the sacredness of life and the gift of a “good” creation through real-life adventure, service, & wisdom

Updates, photo highlights, quotes, and musings on Instagram & Facebook

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